We are right in the middle of a series on Battlefields right now at the NXT. Last night we preached on the struggle for power and the plan of the enemy to get our generation addicted to substitute powers rather than the power of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the message, the Holy Spirit added a demonstration to further drive home His agenda. A young man happened to be in church for the first time in his life last night. He has been addicted to drugs from a young age, he is part of a gang and as of last night he didn't believe there was a God because of all the bad things that happened to him during his childhood. We still don't know how he ended up in youth church or why he stayed since he spent most of the night mocking us. The day prior he had messed up his knee pretty bad playing football. The knee was swollen, black and blue and he obviously was in pain when he walked on it. So, Danny calls him up to the front and has our student leaders gather around him and pray for him. The guy thinks we are totally nuts and continues to mock us as we are praying for his healing. The snickering soon turned to astonishment though as he begins to freely bend his knee. Completely bewildered he tears off the bandages to examine his knee, now totally healed! Danny has to literally chase him out the door to catch him because the guy is so freaked out that he is booking it out of there. He ends up surrendering his life to God and is starting to meet with one of our leaders for discipleship today! It is nights like last night that make youth ministry all worth while. =)
By the way our summer camp is coming up next month and we are pumped. The theme is Shout it Out! Below is our postcard for Summer camp. I included it because mostly I think blog entries are more interesting if they have a picture. Deep, I know.