Tuesday, January 16, 2007


One of the major doctrines that churches in our stream carry is the doctrine of restoration. We believe that God is in the process of restoring to the church all the she had in the book of Acts and all that Jesus said she could have.

Our Pastor preached a great word this weekend on some specific things that God is restoring in light of this belief. I spent much of my prayer time this morning praying through this list and asking God to bring these things to our youth church as we launch tomorrow. I thought I'd share them with you all - pray through these and ask God to restore them to your local church as they were in the book of Acts.

1. Great unity

2. Prayer

3. Word foundation

4. Lordship

5. Relationship

6. Power of the Spirit

7. Judgment

8. Servants

9. Authority over evil

10. Spirit controlled government

11. Strong churches

12. Evangelists

13. Prophets

14. Teachers

15. Pastors

16. Elders

17. City wide revivals

18. Apostles

We're all ready for the launch of The NXT: tomorrow. We'll post in the next couple days to keep you all updated. God is moving!!


Randy said...

WOO HOO - That is so exciting! We are praying for an amazing turn out and that God will be present and move through the youth in Idaho. Take care and talk w/ you soon.

Anonymous said...

How was the launch? Update..update!

jjschulz said...

Maybe this is a dumb question but who is Tensie???