Monday, November 3, 2008

Who are you voting for?

I've been asked a few times who I'm voting for tomorrow on election day. I guess it's important for a youth pastor to weigh in on the politics of his nation. Honestly, I don't believe that politics is the answer for America. I truly believe that the local church is God's plan for building the kingdom of God - not Obama or McCain. I believe that Jesus is the only savior, not a presidential candidate.

I do believe politics is important though. I do believe that we need to line up the values of those running for office with the scripture and cast our vote accordingly. And when it comes down to it, I am a voter that chooses his candidate on the basis of how they value the life of the unborn.

The decision has been pretty simple for me this year...

A vote for Obama means a vote for the most pro-abortion candidate America has ever seen. There's just no room, with a clear conscience before God, to vote in a president who will legislate the murder of countless souls. That's simply all there is to it for me. It doesn't matter how the other issues factor in - I'll never vote for a pro-choice candidate unless I backslide. And then, my friends, you have my permission to punch me in the face, drag me to the altar, and pray for my heart felt repentance. I'm not going to freak out if Obama becomes president. I do not think he's the Antichrist. I think America is going to move forward regardless of who wins tomorrow. But, without a doubt, if Obama is elected president, he will let some things into our nation that we, as the church, will have to go to WAR against. Be ready for the battle.

This post isn't really all that articulate or convincing. Truth be told, I'm not really the most educated on the political campaigns of each candidate. I have read some great posts over the last few months. Please read a couple of these. Please pray for each candidate as our nation is in a very critical spot right now. Please go to the polls tomorrow and vote.

Blog posts I have enjoyed in the last few weeks -

Jamie Schulz (first of course) -

Bo Stern -

Brent Earwicker -

Eric Parnell -

Brett McCracken -

1 comment:

Dizzi Grey said...

I liked this alot, now I have something better to say to people. Im usually pretty bad at just saying something plain & simple, you totally just did. thanks lol